Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dots & Lines

We have to draw 1 picture by using dots and 1 picture byusing lines about HBP buildings. So we have to capture some pictures and choose to draw it out.

This is my 7 hours Dots product...

This is my 3 hours Lines product.

Project 2C: The 101 Mask

This time, Cik Wan want us to make 2 papier mache masks which are 1 white & black with emotion then another 1 will be colour of our face.
This is our ingredients.

I has to keep my emotion all the process... going crazy

I making holes and colouring now.

So this are my products.

Monday, July 26, 2010

2B Man-made Structure: BST in GETTHO 23-25 July 2010

This assignment want us to cut bamboo to make music instrument that we call Bamboo sound Tool (BST). I decide to make a Maraca (Shaker) with make a hole in my bamboo and put stones inside to make sound.

I am cutting the bamboo.

I am putting the stones into my bamboo.

I am polishing my BST by using sand paper.

This is my BST with logo there ^^

I am sketching my BST and writing my 100 words essay during the orientation.

After finish our assignment we take this photo for our great memory. YEAH!!

Bamboo Sense

Mr. Rusli ask us to analyse the rattan basket and ask us what we can see, what we can heard and what we can smell. The answer just need simple words and then want us to write out the words using the wordle webside (

2a Natural Structure: BAMBOO

At 2pm, we all have to go Rumpun Buluh Research Village, USM. We are doing rapid sketches there gaven by Cik Wan.
(Taken from RUS101 website)

(Taken from RUS101 website)

After that we go in the village to search bamboo and take some photo for our drawing on our assignment 2a.

I am looking the bamboo and sketching.

After that we go back to our hostel and start to draw 6 bamboo with a story.

I am drawing a bamboo grow up and meet a bird and his mate and finally they start there new life on the bamboo tree.

Me. I thoughts and I. 21/12/2012(Friday) 11.00a.m

16th of July, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin give us an assignment about some inventions made in USM from 2004-2008. We are given a topic individually about how the invention may become part of PONDOK or suggest how the invention may contribute to the reconstruction of USM/Penang after the disaster. I am given a topic Compact Elite Cell Photobioreactor, 2005.

So after a read the detail of my topic from
Galeri Penyelidikan USM. I start my work.

I finish my drawing.

Finally, I finish my Project 1B!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What I Heard, 0900-1100 12nd July 2010

After an orientation week and also just back from PIMPIN SISWA camp. A camp gave me a lot of fun n experience ^^
Today is my first lesson which is RUS101 in my School of Housing Building and Planning(HBP) lecturer hall E48B. First, I saw Mr. Wan Burhanuddin was already there.

At 9 o'clock sharp, class started. Firstly, he ask any foreign student here. So that is a student from China. He ask why will him came Malaysia. Then ask what is the grade of his English in China, A or B or C? After that, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin ask, " anyone know what is Singlish?" so we know is Singapore English. Then he wan ask the China student know Singlish or not. It is funny because the foreign student sure don know this language and also don know what is Phua Chu Kang's English. At this time, another foreign student which is from Iran come late n Mr. Wan Burhanuddin tell her not to use time in Iran or Thailand. Hahaha...

Mr. Wan Burhanuddin show us a graph (The Graph is taken from USM HBP website).
First he ask who is our Naib Canselor of USM. The answer is Profesor Tan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli Abd Razak.

Next, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin explain this graph to us. The transformation mean change. We have to change for the future tomorrow. Then, Status-Quo mean the existing state or condition. From 2008, we became a APEX Universiti and had a big jump shown on this graph. (APEX = Accelerated Program for Excellents) Excellent mean GOOD4 because they can be classify into 4 category which is Good, Better, Best and Excellent.

Besides, he was also explained the terms of ' INTENTION (Niat) => ACT (Laku) => PRODUCT (Hasil) => ACTOR (Aktor) => RULE (Aturan) => PLACE (Tempat) '.
  • Intention is very important to us. As a student like us, we must having full intention of study to come in Universiti. We must have a clear target to make us achieve it.
  • Act is something like performing or doing something to show our thinking.
  • Product is what we done or performed, like what we act and wat we get.
  • Actor is partner of intention. Because intention need an actor to achieve.
  • Rule is some force to control our act. It make every process go smoothly.
  • Place is mean our USM!! A good Universiti provided us good performance.
For a APEX USM, we need APEX Intention => APEX Act => APEX Product => APEX Actor => APEX Rule => APEX Place. Mr. Wan Burhanuddin also give us an example relate to World Cup, they need World Cup intention, World Cup actor (player), World Cup rules, World Cup place (stadium).

After this, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin talks about 3P. 3p stand for Principle, People and Place.

Also the same example, as a World Cup player need a FIFA principle rules and play at the right design stadium.

RUS101 Actors
  • Student
  • Studiomasters
  • USM community
  • Penangites (Penang's people)
  • other
Next, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin introduce our studiomasters to us. We got 15 studio masters in this course, but some of them did not come today. They are Mr. Azlan Raofuddin Hj. Nuruddin, Mr. Azizan Marzuki, Mr. Ilias Said, Mr. Mohd. Hanizun Hanafi, Mr. Azizan Hussin, Mr. Mohd Zailan Sulieman, Mr. Mazran Ismail, Mr. Abdelnaser Omran Ali (the only foreign master here), Mr. Mohd Najib Mohd Salleh. They introduce themselves and said, ' Welcome to USM HBP, student here must work extra hard. ' They all look knowledgeable and giving us full of confident.

Finally, Mr. Wan Burhanuddin want us to do this assignment 1A: My Virtual Home, subject is What I Heard. The class dismiss.